In the News
Rogues rally to seal first Courier Cup title
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 6, 2019)
FARMINGTON — With one Ben Douglas swing of an official yellow Wiffle Ball bat, all the pain, misery and heartache dissolved into, well, championship euphoria.
30th Courier Cup goes yard this weekend
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 6, 2019)
FARMINGTON — It’s a bit of a blur these days for Tim DiPrizio, who played his best Wiffle Ball at the Courier Cup Classic during the event’s first decade back in the 1990s.
Heart Breakers rally to win Courier Cup
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 9, 2018)
FARMINGTON — Wes Perreault had his doubts — and rightly so.
Tommy K’s Wiffle Ball cup always runneth over
By MIKE WHALEY (September 6, 2018)
FARMINGTON — No one loved Wiffle Ball weekend more than Tommy Krawczyk. For him, it was Christmas in September — and if you played well enough you got a second helping of Christmas on Sunday.
FB Squad crowned 2017 Courier Cup Champions
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 10, 2017)
FARMINGTON — The FB Squad, on Tuesday, barely claimed the final spot in the 20-team Courier Club Wiffleball Classic field.
Play hard, but get a T-shirt
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 7, 2017)
FARMINGTON — John Dauphinais is all about Wiffle Ball and, thank goodness, he is also all about the T-shirts.
Operation Fly Kory Home takes off
By EMILY H. WAKE (August 20, 2017)
FARMINGTON — What started out as a half-baked idea has taken on a life of its own.
No breeze picking best Courier Cup final ever
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 15, 2016)
FARMINGTON — On Sunday in Farmington, the wind picked up at just the right time to change the course of Wiffle Ball history.
Kraw Sox capture Courier Cup
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 11, 2016)
FARMINGTON — The Kraw Sox started the 27th annual Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic with a whimper, but there’s no doubt they ended it with a bang.
Can anybody catch the Heart Breakers?
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 8, 2016)
FARMINGTON — The Heart Breakers practice Wiffle Ball abstinence until the Courier Cup Wiffle Ball Classic rolls around, and then they indulge without limit for two days.
The Courier Cup bids adieu to good friends
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 16, 2015)
FARMINGTON — Wiffle Ball weekend in Farmington is always a grand old time — rain or shine. It’s like two mints in one: In the midst of a highly-competitive Wiffle Ball tournament an informal reunion plays out as well. This year the 26th Courier Cup had its somber moments as those present paused to remember four friends of the tournament who had passed away in the last six weeks: John Pratt Jr., Chris “Carpy” Carpenter, Ron Krawczyk and Randall “Ky” Goslin Jr.
Heart Breakers hit way to fourth title
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 14, 2015)
FARMINGTON — Different year. Same result. The Heart Breakers again showcased why they are the class of area Wiffle Ball by winning the 26th annual Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic Sunday in Farmington. The Rochester-based team capped a 7-0 weekend by beating the re-energized Know It Alls in the final, 10-0. It was a three-peat for the Heart Breakers, who have now won four of the last five Courier Cups.
'Hey bro, it's got to be the pitching'
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 10, 2015)
FARMINGTON — The 26th annual Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic is set to go this weekend in Farmington at the 500 Boys & Girls Park on Summer Street (first games at 9 Saturday morning). Those teams that have dreams of playing in the championship round on Sunday better have good pitching.
Farmington 500 HOF honors worthy 2014 class
By MIKE WHALEY (November 18, 2014)
FARMINGTON — It all starts with the Farmington 500 Boys & Girls Club, and sometimes it returns full circle. That was obvious Saturday night at the seventh Farmington 500 Sports Hall of Fame at the Henry Wilson Memorial School.
Heart Breakers heat up to rule 25th Courier Cup
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 16, 2014)
FARMINGTON — After a morning scare to the old ticker, the Heart Breakers hit their stride to waltz to their third Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic championship in four years on Sunday.
Courier Cup Silver Anniversary Team selected
By STAFF REPORTS (September 15, 2014)
FARMINGTON — The Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic not only enjoyed its 25th season this past weekend in Farmington, but also celebrated the momentous occasion by naming a Silver Anniversary Team.
What a long, strange rip it's been
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 11, 2014)
FARMINGTON — Although it might be difficult to envision now, unless you have a vivid imagination or, better yet, were there, the inaugural Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic was indeed played in 1990 all on one field on John Nolan’s modest Farmington front yard.
Heart Breakers storm to Courier Cup crown
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 17, 2013)
FARMINGTON — Hurricane Heart Breakers tore through Farmington on Sunday. It left some battered and befuddled Wiffle Ball teams in its destructive wake.
The Heart Breakers won their second Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic championship in three years by demolishing its opponents in mercy-rule fashion during the event’s final day at the 500 Boys & Girls Club Park.
'Much' ado about Wiffle Ball; Courier Cup No. 24 goes yard this weekend in Farmington
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 13, 2013)
FARMINGTON — Peter Carl Mucher was born at 12:53 p.m. on Sept. 11, 1993 at Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro. The son of George and Robin Mucher, little Peter weighed in at 7 pounds and 8 ounces.
The date and time are significant because, in local sporting circles, it was Wiffle Ball Saturday.
Wiffle Ball still curving at 60
By MIKE WHALEY (September 13, 2013)
Wiffle Ball — the iconic white perforated plastic ball that curves — turned 60 this year. A simple American success story, it remains as popular and relevant as ever.
The biggest reasons for Wiffle Ball’s continued success? It’s inexpensive — ball and yellow bat combo can be purchased today for about five bucks. All you need is a small playing space — i.e. a backyard, parking lot, gymnasium or stretch of beach — and as few as two people or as many as, well, as you want. All ages welcome, too.
The pay-off? Guaranteed hours of outdoor fun.
Slime Dogs soak up first title run
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 25, 2012)
FARMINGTON — The Slime Dogs were happy puppies when they got the word that Peter Mucher had a rare weekend off from his University of Southern Maine's fall baseball schedule.
Family affair for the Wiffle Kings
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 20, 2012)
FARMINGTON — As he gets older, Nick Johnson keeps saying that this is the year he's going to retire from the Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic. Something, of course, always happens to prevent him from sitting out: an injury or a player who doesn't show up. Before you know it Nick, who plays at only one speed (hint: it isn't slow), is taking a couple of hacks, dashing madly around the bases or diving for a line drive. All without the slightest consideration for his 50-year-old body.
Heart Breakers' rally breaks Wiffle Kings' hearts
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 12, 2011)
FARMINGTON — The Heart Breakers know all about the downside of their nickname. Sunday in the 22nd annual Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic championship they decided to let somebody else feel the pain.
Courier Cup set to make 22nd go of it
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 9, 2011)
FARMINGTON — Ron Goslin has been around the Wiffle ball block a time or two. He knows he's not fooling anybody.
Indians regain Courier Cup glory
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 13, 2010)
FARMINGTON — The Farmtown Indians just needed to pump a little new blood into their system to return to the top of the Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic leaderboard.
Are you ready for some Wiffle ball?
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 10, 2010)
FARMINGTON — In observance of the Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic's 21st year, tournament director Mike Whaley has decided that only players age 21 and older may compete in the event.
DiPrizio preps for his 20th Courier Cup
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 11, 2009)
FARMINGTON — At least once a year, Tim DiPrizio knows a thing or two about Wiffle ball. Or so he claims.
Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic turns 20
By EMILY H. WAKE (August 30, 2009)
FARMINGTON — The Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic, believe it or not, turns 20 next month in Farmington. This year's tournament is on Sept. 12-13 at the Farmington 500 Boys and Girls Club. Its humble beginnings harken back to 1990 on River Road in Farmington when the first event was held on the front lawn of longtime Rochester Times editor, John Nolan.
The whole rules and nothing but the rules
By EMILY H. WAKE (August 30, 2009)
Rules? We don't need no stinkin' rules!
Kraw Sox are baaaack on top
By STAFF REPORTS (September 16, 2008)
FARMINGTON — Sometimes they do come back. The Kraw Sox, who won titles in 2003 and 2004, showed why they are not quite ready to retire their yellow bats just yet. Sunday in Farmington they captured the 19th annual Courier Cup Wiffleball Classic.
Know It Alls are marked men
By EMILY H. WAKE (September 11, 2008)
FARMINGTON — The Know It Alls can feel the bull's eye as if it were branded on the small of their backs.